ECO Aware

Raising Awareness of how Human Civilization can exist harmoniously with the rest of Earth's Inhabitants


I cannot stress this enough. Warning: Do not blindly accept what you see or hear from others. Do your own research. Check out the references given.





While this website is under construction, please have a look at some of these useful links:



Why do we believe things that aren't true Philip Fernbach TEDxMileHigh

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans A lot of things you hear from politicians put into perspective. Do your own validation of what is said.

Planet of the Humans: DEBUNKED Let's get some analysis. Do your own validation of what is said.

PBS Frontline S27E19 Global Warming Whats Up With The Weather

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me again, shame ... People were fooled. Can it happen again? Einstein said "It does not matter that 97% of scientists don't believe me. It just takes one to prove me wrong."

A Skeptical Look at Climate Science Do you believe what you cannot prove?

Bjorn Lomborg Declares “False Alarm” on Climate Hysteria Let's say Global Warming is real. How bad is it?





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